Book & Book Chapters
J. Xiong, Mastering Flash 4, Illustrated", in Chinese, China Electricity Power Press, Beijing, China, ISBN: 7-5083-0303-2, 2000.
J. Xiong, Y. Zhu and J. He, Machine learning for VLSI chip testing and semiconductor manufacturing process monitoring and improvement," Chapter in Machine Learning in VLSI Computer-Aided Design, edited by I. Elfadel, D. Boning and X. Li, 2019 Springer.
J. Xiong, System-Level Simulation for Smarter Grids," Chapter in Smart Grid Handbook, edited by C. Liu, S. McArthur and S. Lee, 2016 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd., Online ISBN: 9781118755471.
Y. Shi, J. Xiong, and L. He, Stochastic Optimization over Correlated Data Set," Chapter in Stochastic Optimization, Theory and Applications, Intech publishing, ISBN: 978-953-307-829-8, 2011.